Why Kalina & Kiana?
There are 100s of documentaries about artists who have already “made it.”
This show follows the journey and the struggles in “real time.”
My Services
With a variety of services and custom-made solutions, I am ready and eager to tackle your next project. Take a look below at the unique service offerings to see what I can do for you, and reach out with any questions.
Viewer Engagement
The world needs an uplifting story.
We all want something to root for – like 2 tenacious sisters following their dreams.
The music industry is bursting with artists exploiting sexuality and lacking positivity.
The story of falling down and getting up again is aspirational.
People are intrigued with “Behind-The-Scenes” stories of the entertainment industry.
Viewers are looking for "America's Sweetheart" - Let's give them two.
Industry Engagement
Opportunities for on camera collaboration with other artists will serve as dual promotion.
Partnerships with industry entities is a win-win for:
Record Labels
Management Firms
Artists Agencies
PR & Advertising Firms
Kalina & Kiana stand on their own musical merit, but filming meetings with these entities will make fascinating television.
Filming these relationships will result in additional exposure for these entities, while humanizing their team.